No Limits to Hope is a global initiative launched by The Club of Rome, The Fifth Element, and the WEEC Network to inspire educators, learners and citizens alike to pursue a global shift in learning paradigms to address humanity’s most pressing challenges.
Building on the legacy of the 1979 report to The Club of Rome, No Limits to Learning, this project seeks to bridge the “human gap” between knowledge and action and re-examine humanity’s quest for meaning and a good life. The project will produce a report, hold conferences and webinars, and publish articles, with the aim to catalyse cultural change, facilitate transformative learning, and create new knowledge.
To reach these ambitious objectives, we invite researchers, educators, and practitioners who have explored new learning paradigms and their ability to foster systemic transformation to submit research proposals, papers, and case studies to be included in the report.
Discover how we’re redefining learning for a better future
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