Learning new ways of becoming human

Emerging from our current state of emergency will require a reconfiguration of our societal arrangements, through a journey into largely uncharted territories. But how can we consciously change the way we think while we still think that way? Learning new ways of becoming human addresses key elements of the systemic change our society needs to enable people to learn, with the goal of addressing humanity’s existential challenges in their own ways.


Limits and Beyond

The Limits to Growth, the Club of Rome’s seminal report published in 1972, shifted how we see the role of humans in deciding the fate of the planet. On the 50th anniversary of the book, 21 world-renowned thinkers, scientists, and economists came together to reflect on how can we use the lessons learnt and what is next—can we save ourselves and the planet? With voices across genders, cultures, and continents, Limits and Beyond tackles the issue of the planetary emergency from a diversity of perspectives, acknowledging that new lenses are required to imagine different and more desirable futures.


Learning what we already know

After over 50 years since the publication of The Limits to Growth, humanity is still grappling with the lessons of the historic report. While the situation often feels dire, the present is also full of hope. In Learning what we already know published in GAIA, Club of Rome Co-president Mamphela Ramphele and Vice President Carlos Alvarez Pereira reignite hope in our ability to reconnect with our humanity by betting on our capacity to learn.

No Limits to Learning

No Limits to Learning emphasises that developing new forms of learning, for individuals and especially for society, is essential for addressing global issues and bridging the gap between the complexity of our world and our capacity to cope with it. Published in 1979, the book foreshadows what we now know to be true: that learning is a key part of healthy and just societies. With their belief in humanity’s potential for collective learning, the authors instil hope for favourable futures. 

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